Think about the last time you received a newsletter and whether or not you actually read it. The truth is it can be incredibly difficult to get your audience to read your association’s newsletter. All too often they see it in their inbox and either delete without opening it or begin reading the first few paragraphs before becoming distracted and moving on to something else. There could be a number of things impacting your newsletter readership, and fortunately, there are several things you can do to revamp it. Here are a few suggestions for recharging your newsletter and bringing it back to life.
Make Your Members Feel Valued
One thing all of your members want is to feel needed and appreciated. Be sure to include some of the ways your members have made an impact in their field and give them credit for what they have achieved. Praise goes a long way in encouraging readership.
Tap Into Their Emotions
It is important for readers to know they are part of a community that is making a difference. Your association is an important tool by which they can get involved. Tug on the heartstrings of your readers by including encouraging stories and examples of real people that have been impacted by your association’s programs. Let your readers know that they are truly making a difference.
Include Exciting Headlines
You won’t capture the attention of your readers through boring headlines. Instead, choose a headline that is exciting and intriguing and makes the reader want to see more.
Keep It Concise
It can be tempting to want to pack your newsletter with tons of information so that your readers will know everything that is going on. However, your newsletter is not intended to be a duplicate of your website. Instead, choose a few newsworthy announcements, and get your members excited about what’s to come in your organization.
Switch Up Your Topics
It is all too easy for newsletters to become stale and boring over time. If you consistently feature the same topics or subject matter issue after issue, readers are likely to drop off and quit reading it because they already know what will be included. This doesn’t mean that your newsletter needs to be vastly different every month, but do consider adding a few new topics, poll your audience, and ask for reader-submitted content to keep your newsletter fresh and interesting.
Focus On Your Members
It is very common for an association’s newsletter to be completely focused on them. They write about what the organization as whole is currently working on or what programs are coming up. You will boost readership by focusing more on the members. For example, instead of writing about an upcoming event and focusing on the event details, try focusing more on what your members will get out of it. Include some quotes from previous attendees or pictures of what members will see and experience. The more the newsletters are focused on the members, the more it will resonate with them.